Numeric Input

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Note: Design to be used inside <mat-form-field> component from Angular Material .


A directive designed to format numeric input fields to adhere to locale-specific formatting rules, such as digit grouping (thousands separators), decimal mark usage (period or comma), and potentially other region-specific adjustments and to return a number value.

It uses the formatNumber function from the Angular }angular/common package for formatting the displayed value, which is also used by the DecimalPipe. Although the input type needs to be a type text to allow for locale-specific formatting, the emitted value will always be a number. If the value is truncated it will be rounded using the "to-nearest" method. This behaviour can be disabled by setting the disableDecimalRounding input to true.

Usage of the zxNumericInput directive

1000.2688 is the value passed to the inputs below.

Default usage

Input value: 1000.269

With no decimal rounding

Input value: 1000.2688

With French locale and digits info "1.2-2"

Input value: 1000.27

API Reference

import { ZxNumericInput } from '@zamolxis/numeric-input';

Selector: zxNumericInput

Exported as: zxNumericInput


@Input('zxNumericInput') digitsInfo: string; It accepts a string that represents the format of the number. If not provided, it defaults to `1.0-3` (one integer digit, zero to three fractional digits). See Angular documentation for more details about formatting the input value. @Input() locale: string | undefined Applies locale-dictated formatting to a number, including rules for digit grouping (e.g., thousands separators), the choice of decimal mark (period or comma), and potentially other region-specific adjustments. If not provided, the value of LOCALE_ID will be used (en-US by default). See Angular documentation for setting the app locale. @Input({ transform: booleanAttribute }) disableDecimalRounding: boolean Disables the rounding of the value decimal. If set to true, the input value will not be rounded when the displayed value is truncated. Default is false. @Output() valueChange: EventEmitter<number | null>

It is possible to configure the digitsInfo, locale and disableDecimalRounding properties at the application (or component) level using the ZX_NUMERIC_INPUT_CONFIG injection token, as shown below.